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Workforce Development Program

Model of the apprenticeship program involving all parties

In partnership with Sanpete and Sevier counties, with potential for other counties to  participate, Snow College has designed a program to assist companies seeking to develop the workforce in central Utah.  One of our biggest problems in the region is that we export our greatest assets, our people. Part of the challenge stems from limited job opportunities, and another challenge is the cost and availability of training individuals. This partnership is designed to address these two primary workforce issues.

With this program, we will increase the skills of individuals seeking job opportunities and assist employers in finding and creating the workforce they need to elevate their businesses.

Work-Based Learning

The work-based learning program will benefit both employers and employees. Employers agree to participate in and support a work-based learning program. Employees agree to take Snow College classes that will help them be more productive in the workplace. Courses are selected by the business and the student. Employees will receive a scholarship at Snow College in one of the Technical Education programs. They will take classes and work simultaneously at the company. The employer can then apply for partial reimbursement of wages through the funds made available by the participating counties and private donations. Information forms and agreements can be found in the links below.

Technical Education Programs

For the Employer

Here are the steps for employers to complete.

  1. Fill out the Employer Information form (this is to gather specific information for each employee)
  2. Once both the employer and the employee have submitted the required information and have been verified for program fit, both need to fill out and sign the Joint Agreement. (You will receive notification by email when both parties have been verified for program fit). One application for both parties.
  3. Return the completed agreement to Kenley Steck,

Employer Information

Joint Agreement

For the Employee

Here are the steps for employee to complete.

  1. Fill out the Employee Information form
  2. Once both the employer and the employee have submitted the required information and have been verified for program fit, both need to fill out and sign the Joint Agreement. (You will receive notification by email when both parties have been verified for program fit). One application for both parties.
  3. Return the completed agreement to Kenley Steck,
  4. Fill out a Snow College student application
  5. Reach out to Cindy Avery to register for classes,

Employee Information

Joint Agreement

Snow College Student Application


Workforce Training

The workforce training program is designed to upskill individuals for job advancement or placement. It will provide partial reimbursement of training costs. Companies will benefit from a well-trained workforce. Individuals benefit from having the skills needed to effectively fulfill their duties and responsibilities.

This program requires those seeking training help to use Custom Fit Training program first and then apply for this reimbursement funding to further offset costs. Apply for Custom Fit here.

Employers will apply for reimbursement using the training request form before the training and proof of program completion after training before funds will be distributed.

Custom Fit

Training request


Questions about either part of the program can be directed to Kenley Steck:, or 435-283-7326